EasyPeg Documentation
Effects: Light And Darkness
Let's you specify light sources and darkness sources as well as barriers. Move the barriers and sources with your mouse (left button)
and adjust the width of a source with your right mouse button.
are centers of light or darkness. For each point the distance to all sources is evaluated
and the barriers inbetween. From each source a certain amount of light in RGB colors arrives
at the point. The red intensity of the ray and the red intensity of the point determine the new red intensity.
Ditto for green and blue. If the name of the style contains the phrase (Avg.) , then the overall brightness of
the ray is computed and the color of the point only changes in brightness.
You can add sources with Add and remove a source with remove. You can edit a source by selecting it from the
list or from the visualization. The visualization let's you adjust position (left button) and width (right button) with your mouse.
Light or Light(Avg,) means Source is a center for light
Darkness or Darkness(Avg.) means Source is a center for darkness
horizontal position of the source
vertical position of the source
Usually the distance in which the source decreases from full intensity to no intensity. In case of periodical functions
it is the period.
Max Dist.
If MaxDist is -1, then Max Dist has no influence.
Otherwhise MaxDist is the distance where the source stops having any influence. The rays of the source immediately
become 0 if distance is greater than MaxDist.
the intensity of the ray hitting a pixel is a function only depending on the distance from the source.
Different functions are available: Constant, Linear, Quadratic, Exponential, Sigmoid (similar to tanh), Sine
specifies the intensity of the source
filter the light sent from a light source or the darkness from a darkness source.
Add new barriers with New, remove a barrier with Remove, to edit a barrier select
it from the list or from the visualization.
Style, x1,y1, x2, y2
at the moment Barriers are always lines from the point x1,y1 to the point x2,y2
filters .. (in %)
let's you specify how much of a color (red, green or blue) the barrier filters.
Global Parameters
Global Factor
all colors will be multiplied with the global factor.
adjusts the global factor in a way that the brightest pixel will be white.
Hide background:
E.g. a photo with a person in front of a wall, but you only want to have the person on the photo, not the wall. Then use lighting, add light sources all over the persons body and select their range with the right mouse botton pressed. If the sources hardly overlap then use "constant" as function, otherwise linear or one of the others. To improve the effect, put barriers around the persons body. This is very useful to hide the things seen between the legs of the person.
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